Lost in the Mess

I know I haven't posted lately. However, aside from working at Geektopia there hasn't been a lot of interesting things happening. The apartment was a mess, so J and I spent the entire Sunday morning/afternoon cleaning it out. It was really disgusting. By the time we were done the whole place smelled like bleach, cleaner, laundry detergent, and air freshener. *Deep breath* Ahhhhhhhhh.

After buying the Lost DVD set last week, we have almost watched the full season from the start. It is amazing what you will find the second time through. Here's a couple of the things J and I noticed:

There is a scene where Walt and his dad are having an argument in the rain about finding vincent (the dog). In the torrential downpour, Walt demands his dad go out and find Vincent. The dad says he'll do it when it stops raining. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, it stops raining. The boy doesn't even look outside, but continues to stare at his dad.

There is another scene when the boy Walt is sitting on the floor preparing a report on birds. When his mom and stepdad do not pay attention to what he is saying, that exact species of bird flies into the window and kills itself.

The number 815 (the flight number) is everywhere. Charlie is selling the 815 brand of copiers. Loche tells a woman the footballs are in aisles 8 and 15.

The best one we found is when Hurley is informed that he is the main shareholder of a box company. If you listen to Loche tell Boone about where he worked, you find out that the companies are the same. In the real world, Hurley is Loche's boss.

Okay that's all the stuff I can think of. If you haven't started watching this series yet, I would suggest that you borrow the first season and watch them this week before the second season starts. The show is damn cool.


Anonymous said…
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Ren said…
And I thought I was the one finding all the little nuisances and quirky things that others don't pick up on... Like all the foreshadowing and such.
Robert said…
LB: We found another one. Watch the season finale where Hurly is rushing to the airport. When his car breaks down, the lotto numbers are displayed on the dash. They also appear in order on the jerseys of a soccer team when he is riding the cart in the airport. This show is friggin' sweet.

Tel-Bel: Nope. We watch our Lost and hit the hay. Working the nine to five takes a lot out of your night...

Kiki: Definitely rent it. Then you'll probably want to buy the DVD set. Trust me, it is worth it to be able to rewind to parts you didn't catch the first time.

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