The Coolest Computer Ever...

I know that this doesn't really fit in my blog, but I'm willing to overlook that to share this video. Make sure you watch the part about transferring files from the camera to your cellphone seemlessly. In a few short years this may be in your living room...


Becky said…
Ok first off I showed Mike this and he flipped. So Im thinking Ill come down the last weekend of July. This time we gotta take a tour of the station. So heres whats up, I told Mike about all the stuff we do down there like the station history and the burito place and stuff so anyway he would really love to join me and come see ya, but If thats a problem let me know. But the three of us would have a killer time and we all love tennis. What eles is new. And he loves trains. So please bro get back to me soon. At myspace, did you read my comment. Its awsome.
Anonymous said…
yes, but until you can find them in your home, you'll be seeing them in T-Mobile Retail Stores! :) Seriously!

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