Adventures in Geektopia
Today I found out that the position I wanted in Geektopia was not going to be available anymore because they needed more people to work in England. Namely, that would be me. When the big boss man asked how I would like to stay in England for the next six months, I declined due to the fact that I like being in Kansas City, finally having a car, and being close to my family and J. If I would have agreed that would have cost me roughly $3500-$4000 to break my lease on the apartment which would not have gone over well, either. My options at the moment seem to be that I will 1.) Travel to the UK for an entire 6 months or 2.) Travel wherever they want me to go within the US for a year. I get to decide from those two choices. I had told them from day one that I didn't want to travel and that I wanted to stay in Kansas City for now. Because there were only three positions that would be keep me in Kansas City and seven people gunning for them, I was not one of those fortunate enough to stay. So after much stress and drama I told my manager that four and a half hours is NOT enough time to make a decision to stay in the UK for six months and if he was going to pressure me to go that I flat out refuse.
I've been waiting for his response since 3:30pm today. I'm wondering if the whole asking thing was just some way of giving me the "appearance" of a choice in the matter. Because really, if they come back and say "No, you are going to the UK. Period." What would I say? "Oh yeah? OH YEAH?? Well...well...well you can just tell me when I'm leaving then. So there!"
Ugh. More details as they come in...
I've been waiting for his response since 3:30pm today. I'm wondering if the whole asking thing was just some way of giving me the "appearance" of a choice in the matter. Because really, if they come back and say "No, you are going to the UK. Period." What would I say? "Oh yeah? OH YEAH?? Well...well...well you can just tell me when I'm leaving then. So there!"
Ugh. More details as they come in...
P.S. if you need some stress relief, go watch my zoo movie!
I love you. Chin up. No worries.
J: You aren't jinxed. Thank you for all the finger crossing. Hopefully I'll hear some news sometime soon - and I always rely on you for more than just the cooking.
LNF: Technically, Geektopia doesn't have to pay my lease because they have a clause in my contract that states that they are not responsible for broken leases. They also "suggest" that you add an amendment to your apartment lease that says the tenant will not be penalized if Geektopia has to send them away. But how many apartments are willing to alter their contracts? ;-)
Honestly, the idea of being in England would be exciting. I loved being over there for three weeks during my Junior year of high school. The main things that are holding me back are the many things going on in my personal life right now. Also, I hear that Geektopia employees work very long hours while they are over there.
Meme: As of right now it is all speculation. I have no idea how likely the UK is, but I know there are a lot of Managers crying out for help over there. I think I may have been asking too many questions because I received an email that told me to basically be patient while they figure out what is needed from a business perspective. Until I know for sure, I'm just going to try enjoy being where I am. If I do end up in the UK, rest assured that I'll be asking you for advice. ;-)
I'm in Mexico! Tequilla!