Nerd Assignment #5

Okay, so I know we just had one but I had too much fun with this to pass up. It's time for a little cinema in Nerdland. Check out the Slideroll website and give the program a try - all you have to do is set up an account with a fake email address. No downloads, no fuss, just a flash program and your pictures you want to share. I'd like to see everyone make something for thier blogs. When I have enough entries, I'll go around and judge. Knowing the traffic I get, it will probably be in about two weeks. And without further ado, I give you my nerdy movie...


Jess said…
I have to admit, I like the finished product. I know, of course, that you worked on it for a long time. And because you worked on it for so long, I will say this:

Totally nerdy.
Tiffany said…
oh yay, something to do after work tonight! I'm definitely seeing a "trip to the zoo" slideshow on Collective Hunch -- stay posted!
Nick said…
I completed mine. I wish the tool was easier to work with though.

See here!
Sunny said…
I did mine. It's up, ready and rarin' to go on my site. I made a shortie - it was annoying me hardcore. :D Enjoy!

Here you go.
Tiffany said…
done! let's go to the zoo!
Miss Wired said…
I suck. I just haven't had time... :(

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