
So there hasn't been a whole lot of very exciting stuff happening in Geektopia. I've been answering phones and doing lots of work I am prohibited from talking about. Not too much excitement there.

Slauber and Nerd Werd drove out to Kansas City this weekend and had lunch with me and J. It was exciting to actually get out and socialize a bit. After Nerd Werd explained to me what all the antennas and modem/gadgets were in his car, I summed up what he was doing in one phrase:

"Can you hear me now? Good."

Nerd Werd was actually driving around the city testing cell phone signals to make reports to sell to Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon. In real life, the the network guy drives around in a nerd-mobile with several antennas and sells the information he finds. So really, signal testers (my new technical term) are guys that whore themselves out to any cell phone company that wants the info. And no, he wasn't wearing a black jacket with nerd glasses. He was wearing a shirt that said, "How about never? Does never work for you?" I want to make a new commercial with Nerd Werd walking around saying, "How about NEVER?!? GOOD!"

Come on now, how great would that be? I'd pay to watch that commercial. Thanks for the visit Slauber and Nerd Werd it was nice seeing you guys again.

In other news, the house has been pretty quiet and boring. I'll update again once I have some interesting stuff to say. Hopefully it will be in a week...or I might have to change that Blog Title. (Again.)


Tiffany said…
post soon, or I shall have to beat you soundly.

like I can talk.

Jess said…
You "forgot" to mention that we went swing dancing. And it was fun.

Now that I've put it out there instead of you putting it out there, you can forget about the whole lynching ceremony you thought would insue.
Jess said…

And don't forget that I helped you find some kick ass deals on sweaters and button downs for work at the Jones store.


See, you should never tell me that you purposely deleted parts of your weekend due, in part, to worries that people would disapprove. It just makes me determined to share more.
Sunny said…
You could always change the catchphrase to include " ...if you're lucky" :P
Jess said…
Sunny: I love it. :o)

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