Props to Dr. Suess...

Who knew that one day we really could eat green eggs and ham? Apparently researchers mixed jellyfish and pig DNA and came up with green pigs. Seriously, even thier internal organs are green. And the best part? The friggin glow in the dark!


Byagi said…
I saw this article when I was at work - crazy! I wonder if we can expect to start seeing more of them.

One thing I didn't get is why they did this? Research? Hrmmm.
Sunny said…
It's probably for third-world countries. Glow-in-the-dark pigs are twice as useful as regular pigs - if you have enough of them, who needs lightbulbs?
Jess said…
Check out the pigs they crossed with spinach (I kid you not). Apparently, they produce more nourishing pork than regular pigs.

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