An Entire Saturday Wasted...

It is time for me and the EIT to square off in a battle of wits. In order to graduate, I am required to take the Engineer-In-Training Test (EIT). Think of it as the Bar exam for engineers. If I pass I become a certified Field Engineer. Whoo. I have to take it, but I don’t have to pass it to graduate.

Here’s the stuff I might be able to pass:
  • Circuits

  • Computers

  • Calculus I, II, and III

  • Differential Equations

  • Linear Algebra

  • Statistics
Granted most of these topics I took close to three years ago. They aren’t really there so much any more

Here’s the stuff I’m praying about: :
  • Statics

  • Dynamics

  • Mechanics

  • Fluids

  • Thermo

  • Chemistry

  • Materials

  • Economics

  • Ethics

  • Numerical Analysis.
Not a nice list for a computer geek. Several of those topics I have only heard about from friends in tears.

So what’s the best part about this test you ask? It is eight friggin’ hours long. I start at 7am tomorrow morning, get an hour lunch at noon, and work until 5pm. My entire Saturday wasted.


Robert said…
Ethics kill me because there are multiple right answers. For instance:

You are a safety inspector at your company and have just found out that a new product could potentially harm consumers. Because the company is behind schedule, it demands that you okay the product line for shipment. This will give the company extra time to correct the problem and then they can recall the shipment later. What action should you take?
A. Report to a CEO
B. Say no (be fired later).
C. Sign the forms.
D. Go to the newspapers.

Correct answer? I would have them give me the order in writing, then take it to the CEO. If I still had to sign the forms, I would make the company waive my responsibility in legal reprocussions. So yes, help the customer and save my ass.
Pops said…
Ha, my wife passed her EIT test a while back. Don't freak out. She passed.

Of course, she IS really really smart. And all her hair fell out. But other than that, it was all peaches.

She hasn't attempted the Professional Engineer test, though.

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