Crazy Few Weeks

I would like to appologize to everyone out there for the extreme lack of posts. With the moving, unpacking, lack of internet, and new job, the blog tended to fall toward the wayside. This is my first week working for the Geektopia Corporation (as I will call it from now on), and tomorrow I recieve a company laptop for my personal use. I'm very excited. Don't worry - more posts and updates to follow soon!


Miss Wired said…
Woo! New job!

Jess said…
Yay new job. Boo that they won't provide your loving girl with health insurance....
Larry said…
Yeah, new job(I am actually thinking lap top here but that is just me).

Anyway, I got me 2 laptops(1 business/1 personal) and will never go back to a desktop if I can avoid it.
Ren said…
Am I going to have to go into a rant about health insurance... Or about new jobs? Or both? Maybe I'll skip the rant. Big day today... More to come later.
Ren said…
By the way, I too love laptops. But desktops have their advantages, mostly in that you can't step on them after you leave them on the floor next to your bed in a drunken stupor while checking your friend's blogs (and ask blog jesus) the night before. True story.
Robert said…
Thanks for all the support and understanding everyone! The new post is being written as we speak...
Jess said…
Update dammit! I know you can.
123-I-Love-You said…
Congrats on the new job! And the new laptop sounds like a sweet addition.

Since it is, as you say, a job at Geektopia, you can imagine my pronunciation of "sweet" to be in Napoleon Dynamite fashion.

Thanks for your kinds remarks by the way. I'll be back again to visit and see how the job's going.
Tiffany said…
I'm so happy for you! Drop me a line with your new email address, would ya? Love ya!

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