Nerd Assignment #3

God Bless You Google.

From the creators of Blogger comes something unbelievable. Remember that you heard it here first folks. With the help of Google Earth Viewer, I have come up with your next NERD ASSIGNMENT!

That’s right. You all know you were just waiting around for it. I finally found something cool enough to be a dignified nerd activity. Beware, this one is very addicting. Today’s project is to use Google’s awesome new program to show everyone your nerd place. What is a nerd place you ask? Well, it could be your house, your work, your favorite computer store, the park where you lost your virginity, anything.


1. Download the Google Earth program, and install it on your computer.

2. Get a good picture of your nerdy place and click "save picture" under file and save it as a jpeg file.

3. Send me a copy of the photo and a short story of why the place is important to you. Try to keep it short folks. (Funny, embarrassing, or inappropriate stories are encouraged.)

Once you have all that completed shoot me an email with all your work attached to Here is my example for the class:

Picture me and J swimming yesterday evening. Getting closer, she sat on my leg in the water, when she accidentally "pooted" on me. When I stood up under the water, I had to untie my swimshort drawstrings to let out the air that had escaped into my shorts. Yes, it was an accident. We were both hysterical.


Larry said…
Just one picture? I use a site called terra server to look up areas where I haven't worked before, when i get asignments, so I know what I am up against. Never thought to use it for my own amusement though.
Robert said…
Don't worry...I'm working on extending this project a little bit. I haven't had many people participate yet. I think I need to peek people's curiousity. Don't worry - extra credit is on its way.
Robert said…
yeah, I meant *peak.* I'm not a pervert, don't worry.
Sunny said…
Hmm. It might be "piqued", or something ridiculous like that.

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