Watch a Nerdy Video
Alright everyone, it isn’t everyday that I link to a nerd-worthy video. In fact, I think this might be the first for NerdLand. For everyone that loved the original Nintendo system and all of it monotonic music glory, you absolutely must check this out. This brought back so many memories. (Okay that last statement was a bit of an embellishment – I was a Sega Genesis kid. Yeah, one of those.) But because all my friends spent all their money on the earlier system, that’s usually what I played at their houses. So sit back and see how many of the songs you can actually identify. There was only one that I was unsure of. Enjoy!
Special thanks to the Redefined A cappella Choir for making my day.
Special thanks to the Redefined A cappella Choir for making my day.
That video was hilarious.
Abbs: Tetris was the best in high school typing class because it still sounded like you were busy...
J: Shhh. Don't tell. Ever.
Larry: I saw it too. You should google for thier nike advertisements as well.