Nerd Assignment Extra Credit

Okay, okay. Fine. Some people have sent in pictures without using the new Google Earth software. Even though the nerdy software was the purpose of this assignment, I'll let other pictures slide. However, I decided to reward the ones that try Google Earth with extra credit. The first person to identify all these locations and send me an email wins a fatty prize. I'm not sure what yet, but I'll come up with something.

Rules: You must use Google Earth to compete! Take a screen shot of one of the locations to prove you are a nerd. (The google logo is in the corner...I'll know who cheated). To help you get started try these places:

1.) Type in St. Louis, MO and scroll over to the arch. Now click the 3D buildings button. The arch comes out as a big rectangle.

2.) Copy and paste these coordinates into the "Fly To" search bar: 37 d 14' 37.59"N, 115 d 48' 57.95"W. <=Make sure not to include the period. Welcome to Area 51 - I swear this is for real. Check out the main base below Groom Lake...oh wait, you can't because the government actually WHITED IT OUT! If you search for any image of the area (even yahoo maps) the area is completely blanked out.

Okay. Time for the coordinates. Get ready...Get set...Go!

1.) 40 d 41' 20"N, 74 d 02' 42"W
2.) 41 d 53' 24"N, 12 d 29' 31"E
3.) 48 d 51' 29"N, 2 d 17' 39"E
4.) 29 d 58' 34"N, 31 d 7' 50"E
5.) 27 d 59' 19"N, 86 d 55' 29"E
6.) 46 d 9' 21"N, 122 d 12' 38"W
7.) 36 d 7' 49"N, 112 d 14' 34"W

No, it's not the seven wonders of the world. But they are cool. Good Luck!


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