Nerd Assignment Winners

Okay, okay. I think everyone had enough of a chance to play. The winner of the third nerd assignment goes out to lost not found even if she didn't use google earth. Here are the entries:

Lost Not Found:

Imagine yourself growing up in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Then imagine that you are experiencing this beautiful natural habitat but are allergic to anything green. Therefore you spend summers outside, climbing trees, playing in the creek, and running through the fields only to be rewarded with a life threatening case of poison ivy almost every year. Nature is dangerous man.


I am proud to say that this little place has no special, super-powered Google/satellite cameras in it. (God forbid.) It is MY special place. No one can bug me here. I can say and do anything I darn well please. I can "poot". I can sing. I can dance. I can be ME. And I like that. :)

An honorable mention goes out to Abbie for her submission. Sorry guys. I’ll refrain from using new software for a nerd assignment from now on. If you have any good ideas for the next one, let me know.


Robert said…
Hee hee, you've already gotten all that from me. Hmmm...I could offer you emergency nerd assistance whenever your computer goes haywire (but I know you could get that from your sister). How about I pick up your next wood chuck cider tab when we go out? Sound like a good prize?

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