To Whom It May Concern:
In case anyone missed it, I received this anonymous post the other day on the “Karma Smacks My Ex” article.
Interesting. No?
I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the author of the above comment. Even though you posted anonymously, I don't delete comments. I figure everyone has an opinion and I like to hear them all...with the exception of blog spam.
You have a very interesting interpretation for my relationship with my gorgeous J. It's too bad the only part of it you see is the part we post on our blogs.
So here are a few pointers you might be interested in for a more rounded understanding...
1.) Would it change your opinion of me if I told you the blog link was sent to me via email? Or that it was an ex-sorority sister of my ex from Nerdland that sent it? I was happy to find out that somewhere karma did come back around. I’m sure J would be happy to find out the person that scratched her car got keyed or something in return. Yes, it can be a mean mentality, but in the angry moments before forgiveness we all think them. Sometimes a path to forgiveness is realizing that one day we all reap what we sow.
2.) When it comes to questioning my commitment to J, would it help you understand my commitment to her if I told you we also share joint bank accounts? Or that since my first steady paychecks started coming in I've been saving up for an engagement ring? She can also see the balance to know I'm telling the truth. I have been saving since J got her awesome new job and we could afford to put money away.
3.) “Go spend my time with the girl that's focused on me NOW?” I can deduce from this that you really never talk to either one of us in person. Do you ever see one of us without the other? We are inseparable around friends and in public. I even drive to see her at her office just to have dinner with her when she works late. I love my time with her.
4.) Women may know all, but I'm betting that ladies know best. J is a loving and gracious lady. Knowing all that I've stated before, I'm placing bets she'll politely tell you something similar and tell you to leave her be.
On a final note, "if I were ONLY back on the market" sounds a lot like you are venting at me for something you hold inside yourself. Please take more care next time to fully understand a person before you go on the attack. The blogs we publish for others are nothing more than masks to hide behind. It takes a few more angles of information to fully know an individual.
While I do appreciate the intensity of your comments, I hope you will consider posting a name to go with them next time. That way it won't seem like a random person trying to stir up friction and controversy.
Thank you again for your comments; I hope I may have changed your opinion of me somewhat. If not, I am always up for an open forum.
Best Regards,
What I don't understand is why you even CARE? you live with a girl. You have dated her for 3 years. You guys are really, really young, but here you are living with someone in a relationship that belies your age and implies a great deal of commitment which you clearly are not ready to make, yet you bother to check up on your ex? You read her blog? Why? I'd bet you do it more often than either you or your current girl want to admit - - go spend your time on the girl who's focused on you NOW, buddy. As if it's not depleting your current girlfriend enough to take yourself out of the picture long enough to focus on someone you used to be intimate with, you have to deplete her more by making her think about this poor, pathetic, messed up girl who her sad, past-dwelling, bitter boyfriend is still wrestling with in his heart? And where your girl can see it?? She already knows your mind is somewhere else or she wouldn't be writing stuff in her column about how everyone asks her. Nonsense. She asks herself. Because you're not entirely in the picture.
Women know all. When we act on it...that's all God's timing. But man, if I were God...your girl would have woken up from her long winter's hibernation well before she moved in with you. It's so hard to see it, but I'm 30 and engaged, and man, if I were ONLY back on the market, it's still teeming with men. And the guy I'm with? He had one like the one you had before. He was just smart enough to let her go, and move in on me before I got away.
Oh - and in case you edit this before J can see it, I'm posting my comment on her site too.
Interesting. No?
I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the author of the above comment. Even though you posted anonymously, I don't delete comments. I figure everyone has an opinion and I like to hear them all...with the exception of blog spam.
You have a very interesting interpretation for my relationship with my gorgeous J. It's too bad the only part of it you see is the part we post on our blogs.
So here are a few pointers you might be interested in for a more rounded understanding...
1.) Would it change your opinion of me if I told you the blog link was sent to me via email? Or that it was an ex-sorority sister of my ex from Nerdland that sent it? I was happy to find out that somewhere karma did come back around. I’m sure J would be happy to find out the person that scratched her car got keyed or something in return. Yes, it can be a mean mentality, but in the angry moments before forgiveness we all think them. Sometimes a path to forgiveness is realizing that one day we all reap what we sow.
2.) When it comes to questioning my commitment to J, would it help you understand my commitment to her if I told you we also share joint bank accounts? Or that since my first steady paychecks started coming in I've been saving up for an engagement ring? She can also see the balance to know I'm telling the truth. I have been saving since J got her awesome new job and we could afford to put money away.
3.) “Go spend my time with the girl that's focused on me NOW?” I can deduce from this that you really never talk to either one of us in person. Do you ever see one of us without the other? We are inseparable around friends and in public. I even drive to see her at her office just to have dinner with her when she works late. I love my time with her.
4.) Women may know all, but I'm betting that ladies know best. J is a loving and gracious lady. Knowing all that I've stated before, I'm placing bets she'll politely tell you something similar and tell you to leave her be.
On a final note, "if I were ONLY back on the market" sounds a lot like you are venting at me for something you hold inside yourself. Please take more care next time to fully understand a person before you go on the attack. The blogs we publish for others are nothing more than masks to hide behind. It takes a few more angles of information to fully know an individual.
While I do appreciate the intensity of your comments, I hope you will consider posting a name to go with them next time. That way it won't seem like a random person trying to stir up friction and controversy.
Thank you again for your comments; I hope I may have changed your opinion of me somewhat. If not, I am always up for an open forum.
Best Regards,
Anyway, nice post. Anyone who knows you would know that your anonymous poster is way off mark. It just shows that the person has some issues of their own that need to be worked out.
I don't think that anonymous people should be so concerned with other peoples' situations, but that's just me. At least it gave you opportunity to say some great things about you and J that I'm sure she was happy to see in print.
I'm glad you guys are doing so well, it warms the cockles and stuff. Sometime soon, we'll be up to visit, ok?
LB: No kidding! I've been up to my ears lately in blog spam. And I agree, it's one thing to care and check in, but it's a little over the top when someone analyzes our relationship based on our posts.
Sunny: Yeah, I finally had an excuse to gush about her without making everyone nauseous. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I've been meaning to post about her for a while.
LNF: Don't worry about digging around. If they post anonymously, I doubt they will return to post again. Besides, I know who my kick ass blog-posters are. Thanks all!