Dang Global Warming

So Sunday I woke up with a start because it sounded like someone was trying to break into the apartment by chucking handfuls of rocks at my windows. When I looked outside I saw hail the size of golf balls raining down on everything - including my new car. Not cool. At that point I wasn't about to run out and risk a concussion, so I sat, watched, and listened as ice balls pelted my car outside. When the storm was over there was so much hail outside that it looked like someone's ice box had exploded. I couldn't see the parking lot pavement though all the stuff.

When I went out and checked the cars, they looked wet but no real problems. There weren't any scratches in the paint or noticeable dents. This morning when the cars were dry I looked again and noticed it this time. There were dozens of little pock marks all over it. The hood, the truck, and the roof all look like my poor car had a bad case of acne as a kid. Dang. The car isn't even a year old yet. On the bright side, the tornado weather went well south of me. Luckily, J was not trying to drive across 1-70 that night, because that was the exact path of the storm. She was riding the train home and they stopped in a large crevice between two hills to keep safe. She told me that tons of people were freaking out and getting scared. But seriously, where would you rather be? In a car? Standing outside a closed train station? Waiting for someone else to risk their neck picking you up? Honestly. The train was probably the safest place they could be. If anything happened they could always find a crevice or tunnel to find shelter in. So both of us were relatively safe. It could have been a lot worse I guess. J and I were both lucky that nothing like this happened...

I’m still bummed about my pimple scarred car though. (And J's didn't get a single dent and our cars were parked less than ten feet from each other. How does that happen? Go figure.)


Jess said…
I totally have a few pot marks in my baby. Granted, it's not as much as your little red sports car, but it's still there. And I hate hail. Hate it. Hate it.
Tiffany said…
look who I found . . . er . . . who found me: http://eitaksdl.blogspot.com/
Eitak and Nairb said…
Hey Bert! It's Brian here! Remember me. I just got into touch with Tiffany and she linked me your way.

Anonymous said…
Hey. Tiffany found me on Myspace and sent me a link to your blog. I miss you!!!! What have you been up to? As to the pseudonym, well, I got it from my handbook on how to be a villain. You should email me. Really. Do it. Do it now. Ok, you don't have to. Hope you are doing well.
blevinsamy@gmail.com (P.S. delete this once you have my email. I don't like a bunch of people having it.)
Anonymous said…
Hey Rob,
It's Sarah... Tiffany told Brian and Amy, Amy told me, so here I am. Miss ya, buddy. How's life treating you? Ask Amy for my email address.
As for me, I'm happy working at Boeing, living in U City. My new car also got hail damage!! I believe I am cursed so that I will never have a flawless exterior on any car I own.
Hope to hear from you.

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