Soybean Racer

I found this article very interesting. If a bunch of kids can come up with a 50 mile to the gallon sports car that can go zero to sixty in four seconds...doesn't that kick the pants off current automotive company efforts? And it isn't like the kids are the genius type - they are regular, average, run-of-the-mill, problem teenagers. If it were me, I would patent that design, and then get a big loan to start mass producing them. Those kids could be millionaires in a matter of years.


Jess said…
Now, now. If we do something smart like that, then we take away money from the oil companies. And, let's face it, the oil companies would be mad. So we can't do that. We don't want to save our environment (or our pocket books). No. Instead we want to rape the Earth for all it's worth and fatten the cash cow that is oil.

But that article is fascinating. :o)
Anonymous said…
ok there are two maor reasons why this will probably be the last time we will see this article because:

1. This car makes all of those genius engineers look stupid because 5 high school rejects did what they couldnt (or wouldnt) do.

2. Bush would immediately pass a law that says this kind of car is unsafe because the government would look stupid for having funded all of those genius engineers when they couldnt (or wouldnt) do what these 5 kids did.

Besides, if you were at the top who would you give priorities to? The 5 rejects who werent even able to vote for you in the last election, or the oil and auto companies who have been lining your pockets for years?

But I do think that they should at least get scholarships or kick ass jobs for their hard work.
Byagi said…
I read this as well and I think it is amazing. We need cars like this. It's only a matter of time before the oil companies start diversifying (changing because there's no more oil to sell, really)and selling soybean oil, corn and other similar things to power your car.

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