Death of a Flatmate

Today a terrible tragedy happened to a fellow blogger. They finally moved out of their shit-hole apartment and away from their disgusting flatmate. Alas, the Ihatemyflatmate blog has come to its conclusion.

When I came home this morning to find nastiness everywhere, I immediately looked to Ihatemyflatmate for inspiration and humor. K acted identical to numerous posts on that blog. The dishes put back dirty, the disgusting bathroom, the dishes piled in her room, and the suitcase of crap scattered across the living room were all actions performed this last week. Ihatemyflatmate was a daily dose of passive aggressiveness that brightened my day. Somewhere exists another person who shares similarly nasty living space and needs cleanliness. Someone hating the same gross living conditions makes the situation somehow seem a little less hopeless. I wish we could all be so lucky and escape the foul nasty filth that truly disgusting people force others to live in.

I feel like I'm losing a dear friend in some ways. Cheers to you Ihatemyflatmate, for I feel like we lived in the same house with the same nasty flatmate. Your blog will truly be missed.


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