Yet Aotnher Ndrey Fcat

Tihs is aotnher eapmlxe of how azmiang the haumn mnid is. Arpapetnly, rseaehrecrs at Cmibagrde Uvsniteriy dsovirceed taht popele can roecgnzie the wdors in a setcnene as lnog as the frsit and lsat ltetres are creorct. The rset can be in any oderr and we can stlil udnesrtnad tiher mnaenig. Why deos tihs wrok you ask? Wehn we raed a wrod, our mnid reemmrbes the wrod as a wlohe isntaed of its prtas. So as lnog as all the lttrees are sltil trehe, our biarn can sltil inteeprrte it. Naet huh? Mkeas you wnoedr why we wstaed all taht tmie prccaitnig slpelnig in gdrae shoocl.


Anonymous said…
Cso yuo need to konw splleing to be albe to regocnzie teh bgennig and end
Anonymous said…
hey mansh, it doeshnt work if you're shtoned.
Robert said…
Aunty Bruce: By the way, you slitl hvae to use the croecrt ltetres. And all wrdos udenr fuor ltetres cna't be cahgend. But I tnihk you hvae it. If we had been tughat how to sratt and end a wrod, I tnihk taht wuold hvae been eguonh...

Taco Bell Stoner: Yaeh, biegn sntoend culod be a pobrelm. Wlceome to Nred Lnad. I look frwaord to mroe pstos aubot yuor andvtereus at txioc hlel.
Pops said…
OK, now you're just depressing me.

And if it's so goddamn magical, how come I get like 15 comments mocking me on my blog if I make one stinking typo? Transpose two letters in the middle of a word and they all laugh and laugh and laugh, oh aren't we all so merry at Pops' expense. Fuckers.
Hey and i read that all extra quick too!! So... why to my graduate professors want to take off for spelling?

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