Ode to the Stat Counter

Thank you stat counter. You make me feel like my blog is so much more interesting. I love to see what people are doing to get themselves stuck in Nerd Land. It is even better to see what they read while they are here.

Today, I would like to welcome Rosie O'Donnell to my blog. I actually got traffic from her blog. I don't know how, but I did. Makes you wonder if it was her or one of her fans.

Second, on the Technorati website someone searched for "very funny blogs" and I came up eighth. How is that for friggin' cool?


Miss Wired said…
Stat counters are really useful if you can see what people typed into the search engine. One that made me laugh recently was: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=south park avatar
Robert said…
LOL rock on. I wonder if they found what they are looking for.
Robert said…
MST: You can get a stat counter of your own at www.statcounter.com. Thier site will tell you where people come from, but not who they are. You still have to rely on comments for that.

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