Ode to the Stat Counter
Thank you stat counter. You make me feel like my blog is so much more interesting. I love to see what people are doing to get themselves stuck in Nerd Land. It is even better to see what they read while they are here.
Today, I would like to welcome Rosie O'Donnell to my blog. I actually got traffic from her blog. I don't know how, but I did. Makes you wonder if it was her or one of her fans.
Second, on the Technorati website someone searched for "very funny blogs" and I came up eighth. How is that for friggin' cool?
Today, I would like to welcome Rosie O'Donnell to my blog. I actually got traffic from her blog. I don't know how, but I did. Makes you wonder if it was her or one of her fans.
Second, on the Technorati website someone searched for "very funny blogs" and I came up eighth. How is that for friggin' cool?